CS 168 Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols, Fall 2016
Instructor: Scott Shenker
Lecture: TR 2-3:30PM, 155 Dwinelle
OH: Thurs 3:30-4:30PM, 415 Soda
This is an undergraduate level course covering the fundamental concepts of networking as embodied in the Internet. The course will cover a wide range of topics; see the lecture schedule for more details. While the class has a textbook, we will not follow its order of presentation but will instead use the text as a reference when covering each individual topic. The course will also have several projects that involve programming (mostly in Python).
Required: CS 61A, 61B, Math 53 or 54.
You should know programming, data structures, and software engineering. In terms of mathematics, your algebra should be very solid, you need to know basic probability, and you should be comfortable with thinking abstractly. The TAs will spend very little time reviewing material that is not specific to networking. We assume that you either know the material covered in those courses, or are willing to learn the material as necessary. We won't cover any of this material in lecture.
The projects will be programmed in Python, but we expect that it will be easy for students to learn enough Python on-the-fly to complete the assignments.
  • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th edition by Jim Kurose and Keith Ross.
Computing Facilities
Students enrolled in the class will be given an instructional account, cs168-??@cory. To get an account, register yourself here. Most of the Unix systems have cross-mounted file systems, so you can generally work on other EECS Unix systems. Your final run for each assignment must be done under that account, and must run on x86 Solaris machines.
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments are due 1 hour before lecture (unless otherwise noted) on the due date.
Projects will be graded by a script which will run the submitted code under a variety of conditions. Grades will be determined automatically from the results from the script. Projects are designed so that they can be done by an individual, but for select projects you may work with a partner if you wish; this will be explicitly stated in the specification, and at most two people can work together. Grading will remain the same whether you choose to work alone or as a pair; both partners will receive the same grade regardless of the distribution of work between the two partners (so choose a partner wisely!).
You may not share code with any classmates other than your partner. You may discuss the assignment requirements or general programming decisions (e.g., what data structures were used to store routing tables) - away from a computer and without sharing code - but you should not discuss the detailed nature of your solution (e.g., what algorithm was used to compute the routing table). Also, it is your responsibility to make sure your code is not publically accessible to others in any way. Your grade will suffer if you violate this requirement.
For example, if you are using Github, or other such services, ensure that your repository access is set to private (as a student, you have unlimited private repositories on GitHub!). Likewise, ensure that you do not put your code on public clipboard sites such as pastebin. If we find that someone has copied your code (even without your knowledge), you will be deemed equally responsible and will face the same penalty as the person who copied it.
There will be one midterm and one final. If you have a conflict with any of the exams, let us know as soon as possible to attempt to schedule a makeup.
  • The midterm exam will be closed book with a single 8.5" by 11" (both sides) crib sheet.
  • The final exam will also be closed book, with two 8.5" by 11" (both sides) crib sheets. So you can keep your midterm sheet to reuse it for the final.
  • The crib sheets must be handwritten. E.g., copy&paste of lecture slides is forbidden.
The exams will cover material from lecture, sections, and projects. In particular, you are likely to do poorly on the exams and in the course if you do not do your share of the homeworks and projects.
The course will be graded on a curve, with a mean roughly equivalent to a B-. A+ is reserved for the very few best students in the class. Graduate students and reentry students are not included in establishing the curve, but they will receive grades based on where they would fall on the curve.
Your grade is based on a combination of homeworks, projects, and exams, in the following proportions.
Category Percentage
6 Homeworks 6% (6 x 1% each)
4 Projects 48% (4 x 12% each)
Midterm exam 25%
Final Exam 30%
Total 109%
Your final grade will drop the lowest 9% of your assignments. For instance, someone who received 100% on all homeworks and projects and the midterm, but received 70% on the final would have a final average of .21*.7+.79*1= .937. Someone who did not do any homeworks, and received 50% on each project and 60% on each of the two exams would have a final average of .45*.5+.25*.6+.3*.6 = .555. Anyone who understands this grading policy is given an extra 0.00001% on their grade.
In order to pass this class, you must participate at least once during the semester. Participation can either be asking a question in lecture or coming to Prof. Shenker's office hours. You must record your participation by filling out this form, so we can give you credit. You should only fill out the form once. Students who have not participated by the end of the semester will fail the course.
Late Policy
The policy is simple: no slip dates. If assignments are late, they are penalized as follows: < 24 hours late, you lose 10%; < 48 hours, 20%; < 72 hours, 40%. More than three days late, you can no longer hand-in the assignment.
For HWs, Midterm and Final exams
Any requests for grade changes or regrading must be made before the specified deadline. For assignments returned on Gradescope, you should submit regrade requests directly through Gradescope. Please submit a separate request for each question you want regraded. For assignments graded in a different way than on Gradescope, we will post a regrade request Google form on Piazza.
Even if you ask for only one problem to be regraded, your entire work may be regraded, so your score could decrease, stay the same, or increase.
For Projects
Each project would have its own regrade policy defined by the lead GSI for that project. This will be explained when the project is released. Regrade policies across projects may not be consistent.
It's OK to ask someone about the concepts, algorithms, or general approaches needed to do the homework and project assignments. We encourage you to do so; both giving and taking advice helps you to learn. However, what you turn in must be your own; copying other people's code, solution sets, Google safaris, or from any other sources is strictly prohibited. If you are unsure, then ask.
One technique we will use to detect cheating is an automated system that performs comparisons across documents. It flags suspicious similarities, which we then inspect manually.
If elements of two assignments are determined to be clearly very similar (i.e., we believe that they were done together or one was copied from the other), both the copy-ers and the copy-ees will receive a 0 for that assignment. At the end of the semester, the course grade for all students involved in the incident will furthermore be reduced by one letter grade for the first offense, and to an F for the second offense. The reduction in grade may be taken without discussion or warning; the first notice you receive may be a letter indicating the penalty. In addition, for every instance, a letter to the Office of Student Conduct will be attached to your permanent record, and a copy will be placed in the CS division office. More serious cases of cheating (e.g., cheating on exams) will engender accordingly more severe penalties.
Again, note that you are responsible for not leaving copies of your assignments lying around and for protecting your files from unauthorized reading.